Field Jackets Best Ever Made |
February 3, 2016 |
Buckley Tom from Buckley, WA United States
I wore my old green army jacket after I got out for a good 5 to 7 years, until I thought I started lookin like a crazy old Vietnam vet, and then I bought a bunch of different jackets over the years, and was never satisfied; there was always something wrong with them. Then one day I went into a surplus store and saw my old field jacket on the racks in a variety of colors. I realized that all those other jackets I'd bought over the years were but pale imitations of my favorite old jacket. Bit breast pockets and big roomy thigh pockets, a button in liner, hood in the collar, velcro wind flap across the neck, velcro tabs on the sleeves that fold down to cover the backs of your gloves, cords at waist and bottom to cinch it tight, zipper and snaps down the front, what more could you ask? It's the perfect jacket in a variety of colors. I got two now, a black one and a khaki one?
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